AFM BioMed Conference


The AFM BioMed Conference (2022) welcomes submission of abstracts  for original contributions to the topics:

  • Imaging of biological samples using all SPM functionalities
  • Molecular forces in biological systems
  • Cells and tissues mechanical properties
  • Technology & Theory related to SPM and biological applications


Deadline for abstract submission is 30 June 2022


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM (requires a google login)  


You can also submit your abstract through the email below. Please include the name of the presenter, session (imaging/force/cellular & tissue mechanics/technology & theory ), and preferred presentation format (ora/poster).



The acceptance notifications for abstracts chosen for oral and poster contributions will be distributed by 15 July 2022 via email.


-1- Download abstract template (also available here, fill up it, according to the recommendations, please note that abstract will be printed in black-white colour)

-2- Please fill and submit your abstract using abstract submission form