AFM BioMed Conference

International Meeting on AFM in Life Sciences and Medicine

19-21 April 2007

Chairman of the Conference: Pr. Daniel Navajas, Universitat de Barcelona





The AFM BioMed Conferences are dedicated to Life Science applications and investigate how Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) solves relevant biological bottlenecks and provides innovative solutions for healthcare. The conference will link International academic and industrial experts in life science, being involved either with AFM use or with medical/biology studies. The meeting will provide a clear and comprehensive overview on advances in this field through keynote oral presentations, poster sessions and discussion forums. Topics will include single molecule, membrane, and cell biology studies combining imaging and affinity measurements. Presentations will stress the impact of AFM techniques in Life sciences and medicine. The meeting will act as a forum to promote innovative cross linked research and highlight the power of integrating AFM with other optical and analytical techniques.

See video of AFM BioMed 2007 in Barcelona

Please be patient. video takes time to download but well worth the wait!