Charter of AFM BioMed Conference (under renewal)
International Meeting on AFM in Life Sciences and NanoMedicine
AFM BioMed Conference is dedicated to life sciences and nanomedicine applications and will investigate how Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) solves relevant biological bottlenecks and provides innovative solutions for healthcare. The conferences link International academic and industrial experts in life science, being involved either with AFM use or with medical/biological studies. The meetings provide a clear and comprehensive overview on advances in this field through keynote presentations, lectures, poster sessions and discussion forums. Topics include single molecules, membrane, and cell biology and nanomedicine studies combining imaging and affinity measurements. Presentations stress the impact of AFM techniques in life sciences and nanomedicine. The meetings act as a forum to promote innovative cross linked research and highlight the power of integrating AFM with other optical and analytical techniques.
Who should attend? Biologists, biophysicists and medicinal scientists with research interest in the following areas: cell, cell interactions, single-molecule recognition, affinity, functional studies including forces, high resolution imaging and more…
Founders: Pierre Parot, IACA, France and Jean-Luc Pellequer, IBS, Grenoble, France
Current committee: Jean-Luc Pellequer (IBS), Felix Rico (Aix-Marseille Univ.), Lorena Redondo-Morata (INSERM)
Next Conference
2025 → Barcelona → Marina Giannotti, IBEC, UB
Past Conferences Chairpersons:
2007 → Barcelona → Daniel Navajas, Universitat Barcelona, Spain
2008 → Monterey → Sanjay Kumar, UC Berkeley, USA
2010 → Red Island → Vesna Svetličić, Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb Croatia
2011 → Paris → Simon Scheuring, Institut Curie, Paris, France
2013 → Shanghai → Jun Hu and Bin Li Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2014 → San Diego → Adam Engler, UCSD, San Diego, California, USA
2016 → Porto → Susana Sousa, INEB, Porto, Portugal
2017 → Krakow → Malgorzata Lekka, Polish Academy of science and Marek Szymonski, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2019 → Muenster → Hermann Schillers, Institute of Physiology II University of Muenster, Germany
2022 → Nagoya-Okazaki → Takayuki Uchihashi, Nagoya University (名古屋大学), Japan