9th AFMBioMed Summer School in GRENOBLE 2017 (August 21st-25th)
The School offers an introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy in Life Sciences and Medicine for Ph.D student, post-docs, scientists, core facility technicians and engineers. Lectures in the morning are complemented by hands-on experiments in the afternoon. There are about 20 places for students doing hands-on experiments. Participants are encouraged to send a CV and a motivation letter to the organizers. AFM beginners are welcome.

Luca Costa (CBS, Montpellier)
Giovanni Dietler (EPFL, Lausanne)
Sébastien Janel (IPL, Lille)
Frank Lafont (IPL, Lille)
Michael Odorico (CEA/ICSM, Marcoule)
Pedro J de Pablo (Univ. Autónoma Madrid)
Jean-Luc Pellequer (IBS, Grenoble)
Laura Picas (CBS, Montpellier)
Lorena Redondo-Morata (INSERM, Marseille)
Felix Rico (INSERM and Univ. Marseille)
Hermann Schillers (Univ. Muenster)
Jean-Marie Teulon (IBS, Grenoble)
Click here to download the schedule
Luca Costa (Centre Bioch. Struct., Montpellier): "Introduction to atomic force microscopy: methods and instruments"
Giovanni Dietler (Ecole Polythech. Féd. Lausanne): "Polymer physics and topology of DNA at the single molecule level: an AFM Study"
Alexander Dulebo (Bruker, Karlsruhe): "About AFM probes"
Frank Lafont (Inst. Pasteur Lille): "Correlative microscopy using AFM to study cell mechanobiology"
Pedro de Pablo (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid): "Imaging and force spectroscopy of viruses with Atomic Force Microscopy"
Jean-Luc Pellequer (IBS Grenoble): "Atomic Force Microscopy and image processing and analysis"
Laura Picas (Centre Bioch. Struct., Montpellier): "Quantitative mapping of biological membranes using AFM"
Lorana Redondo-Morata (INSERM Marseille): "High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy: probing the dynamics of biomolecules"
Felix Rico (INSERM / Univ. Aix-Marseille): "Mechanics of single proteins probed by force spectroscopy"
Hermann Schillers (Univ. Munster): "AFM in cancer research"
Practical training:
Five AFM instruments will be accessible: Two multimodes, one Bioscope Resolve, one FastScan, and one Cypher VRS.
Plus computers for image processing and analysis.
click here to download the schedule
Sebastien Janel & Hermann Schillers: cell mechanics
Laura Picas & Luca Costa: imaging membranes
Felix Rico: protein unfolding
Jean-Marie Teulon & Jean-Luc Pellequer: imaging viruses
Lorena Redondo-Morata: High-speed imaging of membranes
Pedro de Pablo: Calibration processes