AFM BioMed Conference

Your offer can be post here! Please contact us.


October 2024

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our team in Marseille focusing on High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy (HS-AFM) to explore the heterogeneity of biomolecular systems. This position is part of a collaborative ANR-NSF funded consortium, in partnership with theoretical biophysicist Michael Hinczewski (Case Western Reserve University, USA) and engineer Qingze Zou (Rutgers University, USA).

The full details of the offer can be found here:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV, a motivation letter and the name of two references to and

































September 2023

Chair and four five year tenure track Research Fellowships (contact

The Physics of Life and Quantitative Biology
Our objective is to create a critical mass at the interface of bioscience and physics, building on our strong track record in this area. Recruitment will cover a research arc from soft matter physics through quantitative methods and approaches for studying living systems, to the physical principles of how living things function.
We are looking for individuals whose research is strongly cross-disciplinary requiring knowledge, understanding and approaches from both disciplines, with a split of the positions across the School of Biosciences and the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Posts available:
● Chair level appointment [Link to job description]
● 4 x 5 year Grade 8 Early Career Researcher Fellows [Link to job description]


May 2023


A 3 year Postdoc position in High-Speed AFM has opened (closing date 4th June 2023) in the lab of George Heath at the University of Leeds, UK. 

For more information and to apply use the following link:

For informal inquiries feel free to contact George directly -



March 2023

NABLAB ( at Tufts University led by Dr. Igor Sokolov is looking to fill two #postdoctoral openings in the area of atomic force microscopy (#AFM):

1.    To study #physics of #cancer, to develop a new area of #bioinformatics. We are looking for enthusiastic, collaborative, and highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to participate in an ambitious project to introduce atomic force microscopy (#AFM) to #medicine. Needed: Knowledge of atomic force microscopy, experience in imaging soft materials, and Ph.D. in Physics or related areas.

2.    To study mechanical properties of cells. Here we will develop a new AFM mode to measure dynamic properties of cells. Needed: Knowledge of #LabView, (knowledge of #FPGA libraries is highly desirable), at least basic familiarity with atomic force microscopy, and Ph.D. in #ElectricalEngineering or related areas.

About the lab: We are problem solvers without borders. NABLAB (Nanoengineering and Biotechnology Laboratory) is a highly interdisciplinary research group working on the innovative areas of Engineering for Health. Relevant to this opening, the group has pioneered new methods of the detection of cancer, developed new modes of AFM (#RingingMode, #FT-NanoDMA), been creating a new area of bioinformatics based on physical properties of cells (OuterOmics).

 Within our lab we have four state-of-the-art Bruker AFMs, Nanoindenter (Micromechanics), Confocal Raman microscope (Witec), Confocal scanning laser microscope (Leica Stellaris 8 Falcon), SEM Phenom, DLS Nanosizer, Multiple optical spectrometers, Advanced imaging cameras, etc. Members of NABLAB have access to its rich intellectual and entrepreneurial ecosystem – some of the members of the lab have even started successful companies. Lab members come from different backgrounds and countries providing a rich atmosphere for engaging and cross-disciplinary research.

Place: The lab is situated in the Greater Boston area with opportunities to work with some of the best hospitals and universities in the country.

If interested or questions, email your letter + CV to Prof. Igor Sokolov: igor.sokolov AT


A 2 years postdoc position is open in Marseille with Claire Valotteau <> and Nathalie PUJOL <>

The overall goal of the project is to understand how mechanical loading of apical extracellular matrix impacts cytoskeleton dynamics and immune response in C. elegans, using a combination of cell biology, biophysical tools (atomic force microscopy, nanoablation) and modelling.

You will find a detailed announcement here:

August 2022

I am looking for 2 new PhD students for my group at Institute for Bioprocessing and Analytical Measurement Techniques e.V.

The advertisements are unfortunately in German.

1. Doktorand/in (m/w/d) Nanoinjektion

2. Doktorand/in (m/w/d) 3D-Nanodruck

Dr. rer. nat. Thi-Huong Nguyen
Ph. D., M. Sc.
Head of Junior Research Group


Dear colleagues and friends,
my recently founded Junior Research Group at the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University Munich is looking for its first team members.
Currently, we have a 2-year funded postdoc position available, and a PhD as well as lab technician position will open soon (details will follow).
I am looking for motivated, ambitious candidates willing to cross borders between biophysics and food systems biology/ food chemistry, and to help me tackling food-related questions using advanced biophysical tools such as the bio atomic force microscope.
I would appreciate help in finding candidates, so please spread the word. Details can be found in the attachment!!
Many thanks!
With best wishes,
Melanie Köhler
Dr. DI Melanie Köhler
Junior Group leader
Research group: Mechanoreceptors, Section: II
Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology
at the Technical University of Munich
Lise-Meitner-Str. 34, 85354 Freising, Germany
Phone: + 49 8161 71-2745

June 2022


Luca Costa, PhD
Centre de Biologie Structurale, CNRS UMR 5048
Integrative Biophysics of Membranes, Biophysics & Bioengineering
60, rue de Navacelles, 34090 Montpellier, France
Tel: +33 467 41 77 18

Download the pdf


June 2022

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Opportunities in the Li Group
in University of British Columbia
The Laboratory of Dr. Hongbin Li at Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia is seeking highly motivated postdoctoral fellows who wish to advance their research and career prospects. The Li group is using single molecule force spectroscopy techniques to understand the molecular design principles of elastomeric proteins involved in various mechano-biological processes, to rationally engineer novel protein building blocks with well-defined mechanical properties, and to engineer protein-based biomaterials with tailored mechanical properties for biomedical applications (for details please see
Two highly motivated and talented postdoctoral fellows are sought to join our ongoing research efforts in two areas: 1) single molecule force spectroscopy on proteins; 2) protein-based biomaterials. Successful candidates should have a Ph.D. in biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry, chemical/biological engineering or a closely related field obtained within the past five years. Although prior expertise with protein engineering, and/or single molecule studies is preferred, candidates with demonstrated excellence in their graduate studies from a diverse range of backgrounds will be considered. The positions will be for two years.
To apply, please submit a cover letter and most updated curriculum vitae. The cover letter should describe research experience and career goals. Please send electronic application to Dr. Hongbin Li ( Only successful candidates will be notified for interviews, at which time references letters will be requested for assessment.
Hongbin Li, Ph. D.
Department of Chemistry
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604-822-9669



April 2022

A PhD position is available to work on:

Atomic Force Microscopy- Instrumentation –Physical-chemistry at interface

Pr. M. Phaner-Goutorbe at Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Implementation of an Atomic Force Microscope for 3D-AFM imaging of liquid /solid interface: Application to Biosensors and Tribology




A PhD position is available to work on:

AIM: Artificial Intelligence to analyse Mechanobiological properties of cancerous cells.

download the pdf

GRADUATE SCHOOL on Cancer, Ageing, Rejuvenation

EUR CARe PhD program pre-proposal 2022

PhD Director:

Etienne DAGUE;
LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France

PhD co-Director

Adrian Martinez Rivas,
CIC, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Av. Juan de Dios Bátiz, Nueva Industrial Vallejo, 07738, Mexico City, Mexico


January 2022

A junior researcher position is available to work on the electrical characterization of

Engineered Conductive Proteins for Bioelectronics (eProt)

at the Department of Applied Physics, University of Alicante, Spain

We are looking for highly motivated young researchers to participate in a multidisciplinary project within an international team of physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers. The exciting and challenging goal of the eProt project is to develop protein-based materials capable of conducting electricity and thus with potential for their integration in the design of future wearable bioelectronic devices (more information in the website:

Proteins, the building blocks of life, are structurally robust and inherently biocompatible materials. However, the electrical conduction properties of these systems are still far from those of the materials which are typically used in electronics. As part of the eProt project, our role at the UA is to characterize the electrical properties of the artificial protein materials synthesized by our partners, and to understand the fundamental mechanisms of conduction, to provide valuable feedback for the optimization of their conductivity and to enable their technological application.

Suitable candidates should have a bachelor or master degree in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry or related fields. A predoctoral or a technical staff contract can be offered based on the candidate's background and interest. The tasks of the selected candidate will include the electrical and structural characterization of the biomaterials produced by our partners, by impedance measurements on thin films and Scanning Probe techniques on nanoassemblies.

The candidate will work under the direct supervision of Dr. Reyes Calvo and Dr. Carlos Sabater, who hold a broad expertise in the electrical characterization of materials and nanoscale systems. At the Department of Applied Physics, we enjoy a collaborative and vibrant research atmosphere in condensed matter physics and materials science.

To apply please send your complete CV and a cover letter to as soon as possible, we are looking for motivated candidates to start if possible early 2022.

Download the pdf



Jul 2021

Postdoctoral Associate Announcement : Atomic Force Microscopy Developer (Dr. Simon Scheuring at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City)


Jan 2021

(URGENT): Early Stage Researcher (gn) at Institute of Physiology II at University of Muenster - Pr. Hermann Schillers

Nov 2020

Two post-doc positions for the project: Biomechanical heterogeneity of cancer cells as a parameter for high throughput detectability - IFJ PAN Krakow - Malgorzata


Sep 2020

HFSP funded postdoctoral position to work on HS-AFM - INSERM Marseille - Dr. F. RICO


Aug 2020

Two postdoctoral positions AFM and Soft Matter Physics - Université Libre de Bruxelles - Dr. LOSADA-PEREZ


July 2020

A postdoctoral scientist in the framework of an ongoing ERC Advanced Grant (see abstract) - ETH Zürich - Prof. Zenobi


March 2020

At the Zernike Institute of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen we have PhD positions open in the fields of Biophysics & Advanced Materials. The application deadline is April 1st!

The call for the PhD scholarship positions can be found here:


January 2020

A one-year postdoctoral position ( initial duration of one year and could be extended to two years upon mutual agreement) is available at the Experimental Soft Matter and Thermal Physics (EST) group Physics Division of the ULB working in collaboration with assistant Prof. Patricia Losada Pérez. Applications including a motivation letter, CV, list of publications and a recommendation letter should be sent to:


December 2019

8 postdocs to be recruted in the oLife european project in The Netherlands (Deadline January 26, 2020).


November 2019

Postdoc: Postdoc in experimental cellular mechanics in Barcelona: adhesion remodelling under force

August 2019

Postdoc: Postdoctoral position in Biophysics in the Institut Pasteur de Lille (Lorena Redondo, Lille, France)


April 2019

Postdoc: Atomic force microscopy of DNA-magnetic nanoparticle hybrid structures for biosensors


January 2019

15 positions available for Early Stage Researchers (PhD) from the Innovative Training Networks (ITN): Phys2BioMed
Biomechanics in health and disease: advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis. Please follow the links within this document.


July 2018

2 years postdoctoral position - Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Assemblies Team - Luca Costa (Montpellier, France)


Postdoctoral position in biophysics: MechaDynA - Multi-scale mechanics of dynamic leukocyte adhesion - Felix Rico (Marseille, France)

Postdoctoral position in biophysics: evolutionary mechanics of adhesion complexes - Felix Rico (Marseille, France)

Software/Electronic Engineer: MechaDynA - Multi-scale mechanics of dynamic leukocyte adhesion - Felix Rico (Marseille, France)


Spring 2018

Two visiting scientists positions in Kanazawa, Japan : Toshio ANDO lab

We will invite two visiting scientists or students from overseas to our Bio-AFM Frontier Research Center (FRC). You can learn
how to operate the high-speed AFM system from experts and then perform HS-AFM imaging experiments by yourselves on
the proteins that you are willing to study. The length of stay is at least a month, any time within the period from December
1st, 2017 to March 31st, 2018. Longer stay (but less than 3months) is possible within this period. We will support visitors’
travel and accommodation expenses up to 500, 000 JPY per visitorand materials (except your target proteins) that you need for
your experiments. Applications should be submitted by e-mail to Toshio Ando (
until November 20th, 2017, together with your short CV anddescriptions (within 1-2 pages) of your experiments to be done
in the Bio-AFM FRC (background, purposes and others).


Belgium, Louvain-la-neuve,

David Alsteens is seeking for a 5-year postdoc, please have a look here


Switzerland, Basel-Town, Basel

Matthias Lauer Matthias.Lauer at is seeking for a Postdoc, please have a look Here



October 2017

Peter Hinterdorfer would like to announce  :
* 2 Phd Positions on High Speed and Molecular Recognition Microscopy:  Here         
* 2 PhD Positions on DNA Nanotechnology and Atomic Force Microscopy:  Here

Post-doc in INRA Rennes on AFM on milk fatty globules, click here for description and contact information.


Marie Curie Fellowship (out of France) to prepare with Ignacio Casuso, Marseille: Here


February 2017

CBS INSERM CNRS Montpellier University: Single Molecule Biophysics Department  2 offers

Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher in Biophysics: Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Assemblies

Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher in Biophysics: Mechanism of DNA Segregation ans Remodeling Group


January 2017

At Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. Simon Scheuring has several open postdoc positions. here


November  2016

Predoc position at ICMM, Madrid, Spain

Postdcotoral Position at ICMM, Madrid, Spain

September 2016

Postdoctoral Research Associate position in the Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics within the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine at King’s College London.


June 2016

Postdoctoral positions at Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training.

IBEC’s Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training (BEST) aims to attract international experienced researchers in the areas of Nanomedicine, Cell Engineering and ICT for Health, the three research flagships at the Institute.

More information here.

Please visit or contact Gabriel Gomila Lab's for a possible application.


April 2016

Postdoctoral position (3 years) on AFM and single-molecule fluorescence of pore forming proteins, in Bart Hoogenboom's group in London.

More information here!


post-doctoral position offer @ ENS Lyon in France (post April 28, 2015)

The subject is ‘AFM study of viral capsid stability and disassembly

Please contact Cendrine Faivre-Moskalenko.


PhD Position in Marseille (post Mach 31, 2105)

There is a PhD position opening in Simon Scheuring lab doing high-speed AFM.

Interested young colleagues can apply over the INFORM LabEx Network PhD program  or send a message to simon.scheuring at .


Post-doctoral position in Physical Chemistry of Biointerfaces available at the Department of Chemical Sciences of University of Catania (Italy).
Title of the research project: Multifunctional nanoplatforms for drug delivery
Tutor: Cristina SATRIANO, Ph.D. (

The research activity tackles the development and physico-chemical characterization of biocompatible nanomaterials for application as nanocarriers for controlled transport and release of biomolecules and active molecules. 
The applicant will address the preparation and functionalization of different nanoparticle-based systems, both natural and synthetic, thus the set up of strategies for their loading and/or surface functionalization with the biomolecules of interest. Several spectroscopic and microscopic techniques will be used for the physicochemical characterization at the biointerfaces, including laser confocal microscopy (FV1000-Olympus) and atomic force microscopy (Cypher-Asylum Research)

More informations at:

Deadline for application: 2 May 2014


 Post-Doctoral Position in Atomic Force Microscopy

Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet,  Single Molecule Biophysics Department

Centre de Biochimie Structurale,  UMR5048 CNRS, U1054 INSERM, Montpellier University


POST-DOCTORAL POSITION: 12 months starting April or May 2014

Laboratoire INRA-Agrocampus OUEST, Rennes, FRANCE

Sphingomyelin domains in the milk fat globule membrane: structure and mechanical properties investigated by AFM.



OPEN POSITION for Ph.D. Candidate

to be sponsored between Bruker and Pasteur-Lille under the CIFRE program

send CV to: 


2 open job offers at Bio Atomic Force Microscopy Laboratory (BIO-AFM-LAB)

Marseille - Luminy FRANCE

1 Postdoc    1 PhD student

The topic is high-speed atomic force microscopy of dynamic membrane processes.

Please contact Simon Scheuring

Tel.       ++33 (0)4 91 82 87 00 (Secretary)  Tel.       ++33 (0)4 91 82 87 77 (Office)

Tel.       ++33 (0)6 33 84 92 59 (Mobile) Fax.      ++33 (0)4 91 82 87 01

Email  www:


Doctoral position in bioengineering Application deadline: 20/09/2013  at the Neuroengineering and Bionanotechnology (NBT) Group, Department of informatics, bioengineering, robotics, and system engineering (DIBRIS) of the University of Genova 

Postdoctoral Research Associate TECHNISCHES UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN 


Marie Curie PhD position at IBEC, Gabriel Gomila Group, on Nanoscale Label Free techniques in Microbiology.


Experimental PostDoctoral position in bioengineering


PhD position CNRS Nancy FRANCE


Ecole Centrale Lyon   Post- Doctoral Subject  2013 – 12 months

Functionalization of AFM-tips for force measurements: study of the interaction pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium-epithelial cell involved in cystic fibrosis

Ecole Centrale Lyon    PhD Subject  2013

 Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy of the interaction pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium-epithelial cell involved in cystic fibrosis


Assistant-professor position Université de Reims France (2013)

  Research Engineer in Atomic Force microscopy

 Lille France (2013)


Caractérisation physico-chimique de surfaces anti-bactériennes par spectroscopie de force

UMR 7564 CNRS – Université de Lorraine


Postdoc Position Scheuring Lab - Marseille, France

Post-Doctoral position (2013) of 12 months   CEA Saclay France

Postdoc Position in AFM Imaging of Membrane-Nanoparticules Interaction, Montpellier, FRANCE (Sept 2011)

Post-Doctoral Positions:  Perkins lab University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Postdoc in Belgium: Life at the Nanoscale 2011

LPMC – Ecole Polytechnique – Palaiseau – France  (September 2010