AFM BioMed Conference

Tentative list of speakers

More than 35 oral presentations to be selected!

Adam Cohen Simonsen University of S. Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Dennis Discher University of Pennsylvania
Yves Dufrêne Université de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Paolo Facci S3-INFM-CNR, Modena, Italy
Sanjay Kumar UC Berkeley, CA, USA
Jamie Lead University of Birmingham, UK
Gil Lee University of Dublin, Ireland
Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet CNRS, Montpellier, France
Daniel Navajas Universitat Barcelona, Spain
John Van Noort University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Hans Oberleithner University of Muenster, Germany
Jean-Luc Pellequer CEA, Marcoule, France
Matthias Rief Technische Universität München, Germany
Simon Scheuring  Institut Curie, Paris, France
Igor Sokolov Clarkson University, Postdam, NY, USA
Vesna Svetličić Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb, Croatia
Takayuki Uchihashi Kanazawa University, Japan