AFM BioMed Conference

List of speakers

Salvatore Cannistraro (Viterbo, Italy): Scanning probe microscopies in biosensing
Peter De Wolf (Veeco Instruments): Introduction to AFM
Yves Dufrêne (Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium): Nanoscale surface properties of microbial cells
Jordi Hernandez-Borrell (Barcelona, Spain): Nanomechanics and Nanostructure of monolayers and bilayers
Frank Lafont (Lille, France): Cell elasticity
Sophie Marsaudon (Bordeaux, France): AFM & carbon nanotubes
Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet (Montpellier, France): Reconstituted Systems
Daniel Navajas (Barcelona Spain): Mechanical properties of living cells
Jean-Luc Pellequer (Marcoule, France): DFS, Dynamic Force Spectroscopy
Pierre-Henri Puech (Marseille, France): Using AFM to detect molecular interaction of cells
Simon Scheuring (Paris, France): Structure and Assembly of membrane proteins in native membrane by AFM