Program synopsis
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Class #1 |
Arrival |
L. Redondo |
D. Navajas |
F. Lafont |
M. Radmacher |
Departure |
Class #2 |
Arrival |
J.L. Pellequer |
A. Millet |
M. Lekka |
F. Rico |
Lunch |
Arrival/H4 |
Salle d'hôte |
Salle d'hôte |
Salle d'hôte |
Salle d'hôte |
Training |
A. Podesta |
T1-T9 |
T1-T9 |
T1-T9 |
T1-T9 |
Dinner |
H4 |
H4 |
H4 |
O2 |
A. Podesta Introduction to AFM
L. Redondo Imaging membrane at high speed
J.L. Pellequer AFM imaging in integrated structural biology
D. Navajas Micromechanics of the cell niche
A. Millet Biology at the tissue level: challenges and opportunities
F. Lafont Correlative microscopy
M. Lekka Nanomechanics characterization of cells and tissues
M. Radmacher Cell mechanics
F. Rico Single molecule force spectroscopy
List of practical training:
T1: Nanomechanics on cells / SNAP procedure (Bruker Resolve)
T2: Nanomechanics on cells (JPK Nanowizard)
T3: Cell imaging - effect of toxins on cells (Bruker Resolve or JPK Nanowizard)
T4: Titin unfolding (Bruker Multimode)
T5: Biological membrane imaging (Bruker Multimode)
T6: Virus imaging on a series of modified surfaces (Bruker Multimode)
T7: Plant root nanomechanics (Bruker Dimension 3100)
T8: Image processing and analysis with Gwyddion and ImageJ
T9: Force curve data processing
A registration list will be available on Monday afternoon.