AFM BioMed Conference

11th AFMBioMed Summer School  in GRENOBLE 2019 (Octobre 21st-25th)


1st ITN Phys2BioMed Summer School


The School offers an introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy in Life Sciences and Medicine for Ph.D student, post-docs,  scientists, core facility technicians and engineers. Lectures in the morning are complemented by hands-on experiments in the afternoon. There are about 20 places for students doing hands-on experiments. Participants are encouraged to send a CV and a motivation letter to the organizers. AFM beginners are welcome.


Trainees will be welcomed by CEA Fundamental Research Division, Institut de Biology Structurale  and  Institut Laue-Langevin.

Lectures and practical trainings will be organized at the IBS building located on the European Photon & Neutron Campus in Grenoble  (access)

Local Organizer (and for more information): Jean-Luc Pellequer





Registration deadline: September 1st, 2019



To start with the registration, please fill in the registration form >>




Mr. Sébastien Janel (Institut Pasteur Lille, Lille, France)

Dr. Frank Lafont (Institut Pasteur Lille, Lille, France)

Dr. Malgorzata Lekka (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland)

Dr. Arnaud Millet (INSERM, Grenoble, France)

Prof. Daniel Navajas (Univ. Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)

Mr. Michael Odorico (ICSM, Marcoule, France)

Dr. Jean-Luc Pellequer (IBS, Grenoble, France)

Prof. Alessandro Podestà (Univ. Milano, Milano, Italy)

Prof. Manfred Radmacher (Univ. Bremen, Bremen, Germany)

Dr. Lorena Redondo-Morata (Institut Pasteur Lille, Lille, France)

Prof. Felix Rico (Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France)

Dr. Fidan Sumbul (INSERM, Marseille, France)

Mr. Jean-Marie Teulon (IBS, Grenoble, France)











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